Ivan Juric blurts out in press conference

Ivan Juric sounds the alarm
Torino’s roster is incomplete. At least according to Ivan Juric’s words in his press conference, “The last day is not easy, maybe it’s better for someone to come who knows the game. In midfield and up front we are lacking in characteristics and changes. If nothing happens, we move forward hoping there are no problems. And that’s okay, but we have to hope.”
One reinforcement could come from the Premier League, Dennis Praet: “He is a Leicester player, it is useless to talk about it. Radonjic is struggling because he hasn’t played for years, he has pains and even yesterday he didn’t train: already tomorrow we don’t have a player to replace him. We are lacking in certain roles.”
The granata in the next round will face Atalanta: “As a form it will be similar to Cremonese, although Atalanta is a little less unprejudiced. In Cremona we suffered in the first half, while the Orobici are more of a team and have a different technical rate. It’s a big game, we have to be ready. Atalanta has put in a lot of young and good players, we are incomplete: we hope to complete ourselves. If something happened, you would suffer badly and you would have no substitutes in certain positions.”
“It seems to me that they have made half a revolution in the last year, they have put in people with technique and dynamism and they are preparing to do great things. They are building something important, that’s my feeling. Gasperini knows what path he is taking, I see more dribbling and more quality and he is working on it. He wants to do total soccer, right now I see great quality although still not as violent as in the past. They don’t have very high rhythms, but still strong rhythms,” he concluded.
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