Dino Meneghin to Gianmarco Pozzecco: “Stay calm.”

Meneghin sends message to Pozzecco
Dino Meneghin, for years an ace of the Italian national basketball team, gives advice to a Gianmarco Pozzecco who appeared rather agitated in the games he experienced from the Azzurri’s bench.
“He will get there in time, I’m sure, but right now he is this: someone who suffers the pains of hell on the bench. I say this jokingly, but not so much: if he doesn’t calm down, his health is at risk,” the former champion explains to ‘Il Giornale’.
“The Poz is a spectacle. As a coach he is exactly as he was as a player. A force of nature. Lots of adrenaline, passion and skill,” Meneghin adds.