Tar rules in favor of Eintracht: German fans in Naples

The return leg of the Champions Round of 16 at the Maradona is shaping up to be a hot one
Eintracht Frankfurt fans will be in Naples for the return leg of the Champions League round of 16 against the Azzurri. In fact, the Tar (Regional Administrative Tribunal) has agreed with the German club and granted its precautionary petition, thus suspending the ban on the sale of coupons to German residents. The prefect’s decision was thus overturned.
This is the statement: “The Tribunal Accepts the precautionary petition and, as a result, suspends the challenged measures in the part in which, in relation to the match scheduled for March 15, 2023 between Napoli and Eintracht Franfurt, the “ban on the sale of coupons to residents of Germany for all sectors of the stadium, with the clarifications set out in the grounds and therefore with the salvation of subsequent measures of the Administration. Set for collegial hearing the council chamber on April 4, 2023. This decree shall be executed by the Administration and shall be filed with the secretary of the Tribunal, who shall give notice to the parties.”
It starts from the 2-0 first leg obtained by Spalletti’s team in Germany.