Matteo Berrettini reacts after numerous criticisms from former champions

Matteo Berrettini goes on the counterattack
It has not been a brilliant start to the season for Matteo Berrettini, who is fully aware of this but, at the same time, sends back accusations that at the moment his performance is conditioned by off-court issues. “I have no doubts with respect to what I’m doing,” he tells ‘Repubblica,’ “I don’t feel I’ve taken a different path from tennis. I’m the same guy I’ve always been. I’m having a romantic relationship like every other guy my age. Normal, and again I’m sorry that something so positive, which is a feeling then, is being spun as a professional distraction.”
“The more you become exposed, not even famous, the more you become the target of attacks, especially if things don’t go as you would like, or as people would like. Beyond the haters I feel sorry for those who know about tennis: it is not constructive criticism and I don’t understand the reasons for it,” adds the Roman tennis player.