Spal, Meccariello: “I can’t even get around the city.”

The Estensi defender: “Difficult to look the fans in the eye.”
Spal defender Biagio Meccariello spoke in a press conference about the difficult moment of the Ferrara-based club, which is penultimate in the B league standings. “I cannot be absolutely satisfied with this season on a personal level because my interests go hand in hand with the ambitions of the club of the coach and the environment, I can and must do more.”
“Some more, some less, we are paying excessively for the situation that has arisen. I did not expect to be in this situation when I left Lecce, we all had other ambitions me and the club, unfortunately in life not everything goes as you would like but we are trying to do everything to get out of it.”
“The difficult situation we are experiencing must weigh in the right measure for everyone and it weighs heavily on me personally,” Meccariello revealed, “I can’t even walk around the city and look people in the eye because I feel at fault.
“On the young people it can affect, but beyond everything I hope that in these two games we can bring out the best in us because if directed in the right way they can open a really important glimmer of light.”