Mattia Udom expects electric weather for Trent

Mattia Udom expects electric weather for Trent
In the third last challenge of the regular season, Dolomiti Energia Trentino is looking for heavy points to relaunch its playoff race after a home loss to Verona. For Mattia Udom it’s the first time as “ex” in Brindisi.
“I know the warmth and the impact of the Brindisi arena, which for now I have always experienced as a home player – he says -: the public gives a great boost to the Pugliese, but I think it creates an electric atmosphere also for those who take the court as opponents. It will be a fun, difficult game, in which we face a team that after an up-and-down start to the season has been able to grow as the months have passed, finding also in the return to the court of D’Angelo Harrison a leader and balancer.
It’s a really balanced and uncertain championship, in which there are no obvious results or easy games: against Verona we paid dearly for our moment of inattention in the third quarter, but we want to put that defeat behind us and get back to winning against one of our direct rivals for a playoff spot. Brindisi has a very unique game, they have some strong points and like to play at a high tempo. We can’t wait to get on the court and play such an important game to prove our worth-we depend only on ourselves and our results in the playoff race.”