Milan, Andriy Shevchenko amazed by one player in particular

Ukrainian at 2003 Champions derby was there
By now it’s all anyone talks about. The Champions League has reached its climax. Four teams still in the running and a Milan-Inter derby that attracts everyone’s attention, even Shevchenko’s who, in 2003, was there: “I remember, too, that especially in the two-three days beforehand you had a hard time getting to sleep, and then we would pass the excitement on to each other. But once you enter the San Siro everything ends and you focus on what you have to do,” his words to Gazzetta dello Sport.
Sheva watched the Champions League carefully and, in particular, was amazed by one star: “Haaland in the box is crazy, he understands the moment and always makes the right movements.” Then a joke also about Italian soccer, which has as many as five clubs in the semifinals of the three European cups: “Italian soccer remains a reference.”