Champions League, Inter beat Milan once again

The lead established by Milan in the first leg match will collapse on Tuesday night
After winning the first leg match (2-0 the final), Inter also won the box office challenge. On Wednesday, the Diavolo set a new box office record for an Italian team. In total, an impressive 10,461,705 euros. An exceptional record destined, however, to founder next Tuesday when the second Euroderby will be staged at the San Siro.
Champions League fever has also infected the Nerazzurri people who have responded, as often happens, in a big way. For the return, it will break through the 12 million euro wall, thus new all-time record. Inter has also decided to “punish” all those season ticket holders who are reselling their tickets through secondary ticketing channels. Those who are caught will no longer be entitled to season tickets next year.
Second win for Inter, which, however, wants to do well mainly on the pitch to fly to the Champions League final.