From Argentina Sofia Goggia talks about her training sessions.

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From Argentina Sofia Goggia tells about her training

Sofia Goggia è was a live guest from Argentina on RTL 102.5’s “Password” program. The winner of four downhill world cups and 2018 Olympic champion of the specialty told how she is training on the slopes in Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego.

“We left on September 3 and will return on October 7. Like every year we come here to Argentina to look for winter conditions, we are doing a lot of kilometers on skis. In these last days the weather è has been clement, which did not è happen in the first part of the gathering – said Sofia -. The first race è at the end of October, then the whole season starts from November until the end of March. Physically I’m fine, I had some problems adapting the first week here because of the hellish conditions, we came in hard. Then I adapted and now I am very happy”.

“My typical day starts at 6.20 a.m. with a quarter of an hour of breathing exercises, mobility and various adaptations,” Goggia continued. “Then at 7.15 a.m. I have breakfast, at 7.50 a.m. I go out skiing and we do eight or nine laps. Then we come back, eat, have a physiotherapy treatment, I rest a bit, an hour and a half or two of gym, video analysis, shower, another session with the physiotherapist, dinner and go to bed around 10 p.m. There are many hours of training in the gym, but then it is concentrated into a few minutes of skiing. We are loaded for this season, as usual for the rest”.

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