Ferrari delayed on future of Charles Leclerc and Carlos Sainz: admission

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Ahead of next year everything è clear in Maranello, for the next one still not.

Charles Leclerc and Carlos Sainz at Ferrari again in 2024, as è has been clear for some time now. The expected white smoke on the extension of their contracts, however, has not è arrived even in these first weeks of December. A somewhat nebulous situation, although team principal Frederic Vasseur denies that this is necessarily the hint of bad news on the horizon. Still, there remains a delay on the programs the Cavallino had set for itself.

Vasseur, forò first of all, wanted to throw abundant water on the fire of fan doubts. "Leclerc’s and Sainz’s contracts with Ferrari are valid until the end of 2024,” the team principal of the Maranello-based stable pointed out.

This means that there are still almost 13 months to go, and back in the day Mercedes had renewed the agreements with its drivers in August. Our margin, therefore, è still abundant".

There'è però a clarification in front of which Vasseur does not hide: "I admit that a year ago I talked about a decision that we would make by the end of 2023. That was my promise, but the last part of this season è turned out to be chaotic for everyone. Now we are discussing the future of Leclerc and Sainz, but we are behind schedule. This però not è a problem, the goal could be to finalize everything before the 2024" championship starts.

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