Milan, Theo Hernandez provokes Inter Milan.

The words of Theo Hernandez
Theo Hernandez in a lengthy interview with As also spoke about the rivalry with Inter: "In this city you breathe soccer and everyone talks about soccer. È it is almost obligatory to cheer for one of the two great teams and obviously it bothers an AC Milan fan more that the top team is your great rival. However, I am a very ambitious person and if the champion was another team other than Milan it would bother me too".
"More" heard Inter-Milan or Real-Atletico? Tough choice. Both rivalriesà are intense in their own way. They are great duels, both in Madrid and Milan. I couldn’t say which one is more exciting since both have a special meaning for the fans. I have been lucky enough to live and enjoy both experiences".
"How do I see Inter-Atletico? Very intense. They are two strong teams, it will be a very balanced duel and sparks will fly. Although I never got to make my debut in the first team, at Atlético I took my first steps as a footballer and for that I am extremely grateful. È it is clear that I will be cheering Atl'tico Madrid in the match against Inter'qot;.