Trento easily expels Catania

Trento easily expels Catania
The Saturday night head-to-head in SuperLega Credem Banca 2023/24 reserves another three points on the road for Itas Trentino. Tonight in Catania, the Italian champion lineup fully confirmed the ranking hierarchies, conquering in just three sets the court of the tail-end Farmitalia in one of the two advances of the 18th round of the regular season.
The Gialloblù race at the top of the standings still continues smoothly: the one obtained today in three sets at PalaCatania è in fact, the ninth consecutive three-point victory (the seventeenth overall) in the league, a roster that allows Soli’s team to move even to +9 on the first pursuer Perugia, waiting for its home match on Sunday with Verona.
The’further possible lengthening è came at the end of a very precise and convincing performance by Itas Trentino, rocketing off in each of the three sets played precisely to prevent that, in the possible point-to-point struggle, the Etneans could rise in competitive and technical level. A very compact wall, scoring a total of 12 times (nine only with the central players), constantly kept the opponent’s attackers at bay and especially Buchegger (still scoring 18 times), then it was Michieletto (12 points and mvp) and Rychlicki (16 with 56%) who materialized the many break point opportunities that the gialloblù created for themselves. In the second half of the match Soli implemented a large turnover, which starred in particular D’Heer (6 winning balls, 75% in attack and three walls) and Magalini, who was good at closing a match devoid of major blunders for Trento (8 errors at bat and 5 at the net) with a lob.
Match report. Itas Trentino shows up for the second time in its history in Sicily (the first one twenty-three years ago in Palermo) in a standard lineup: coach Fabio Soli confirms in fact Sbertoli at setter, Rychlicki opposite, Lavia and Michieletto setters, Podrascanin and Kozamernik at center, Laurenzano free. Farmitalia Catania retorts with Orduna at director, Buchegger opposite, Randazzo and Massari setters, Tondo and Masulovic center, Cavaccini libero. The start of the gialloblù è as often happens, very determined: Michieletto immediately scores twice in attack, imitated in wall by Kozamernik (on Randazzo) and by Lavia in serve. On the 4-0 outside the hosts already interrupt the game and on the resumption the same Sicilian setter and Buchegger try to recompose the tear (6-5), forcing the guests to call a time out in their turn. After the Emilian coach’s advice Trento returns to play effectively in the ball changeover phase but also in the break point phase, building an increasingly consistent lead thanks to Kozamernik and Michieletto (9-6, 14-10 and 19-13). The outside 1-0 came quickly, already on 25-15, because the Gialloblù did not concede anything to the opponents and also controlled Buchegger well, the only one who had managed to put the ball on the ground with some continuity in the first part of the set. A wall by Podrascanin on Randazzo sends the set to 25-15.
The music does not change in the second period; Kozamernik immediately scores the groove (4-0) and Catania immediately takes refuge in a time out by inserting Bossi in place of Tondo. Michieletto tackles Buchegger for 7-1 and then shortly afterwards scores with an ace on Randazzo that makes it +7 (11-4). Farmitalia è lost and fails to offer any kind of retort. Trento does not loosen the tension and continues to score with regularity at the net (15-9, attack by Michieletto); Catania manages to raise its head again only in the final (21-16), after it had undergone another tear led by Sbertoli (two attacks, a wall and an ace for 21-13). It was Wout D’Heer, who had just taken over from Kozamernik, who took the chestnuts out of the fire with a wall on Randazzo, then èLavia secured the 2-0 lead at 25-20.
On’8-4 in the third set, the match è already è definitively addressed: Soli took the opportunity to operate some turnover, also inserting Magalini in place of Lavia after D’Heer found room from the start for Podrascanin. Rychlicki hammers relentlessly (14-8 and 17-10), Catania can no longer respond and surrenders 25-17 with Acquarone also on the court.
“We offered a good performance, fielding good volleyball as we had promised ourselves on the eve – commented at the end of the match the’coach of Itas Trentino Fabio Soli – . The result obtained è important becauseé came at the end of a match that we knew could not be easy. We could have definitely done better, but è it is true that we came from a week of intense physical load and so I am satisfied with what we did”.
L’Itas Trentino will returnà already in the night in Trento and starting Monday morning will begin to prepare the next appointment, scheduled on Wednesday, February 14 at the ilT quotidiano Arena against Cucine Lube Civitanova for the remake of the Finale Scudetto 2023 valid for the nineteenth round of SuperLega Credem Banca 2023/24.
Below is the scoreboard of the match of the eighteenth day of the regular season of SuperLega Credem Banca 2023/24 played this evening at PalaCatania.
Farmitalia Catania-Itas Trentino 0-3
(15-25, 20-25, 17-25)
FARMITALIA: Massari 4, Masulovic 5, Buchegger 18, Randazzo 6, Tondo 1, Orduna, Cavaccini (L); Baldi, Bossi 2, Basic 4. N.e. Pierri, Zappoli, Frumuselu and Santambrogio. All. Giuseppe Bua.
ITAS TRENTINO: Sbertoli 4, Lavia 6, Kozamernik 8, Rychlicki 15, Michieletto 12, Podrascanin 4, Sbertoli, Laurenzano (L); D’Heer 6, Pace (L), Magalini 2, Acquarone. N.e. Nelli, Cavuto, Berger. All. Fabio Soli.
REBITTERS: Saltalippi of Torgiano (Perugia) and Cerra of Bologna.
SET DURATION: 25’, 26’, 25’ tot 1h and 16’.
NOTES: 1,603 spectators, box office 25,460. Farmitalia: 3 walls, 1 ace, 10 hitting errors, 4 action errors, 39% offense, 27% (16%) reception. Itas Trentino: 12 walls, 5 aces, 8 hitting errors, 5 action errors, 49% offense, 40% (27%) reception. Mvp Michieletto.
Trentino Volleyball Press Office