Larissa Iapichino returns to victory

Larissa Iapichino, victory
Another success in an international meeting for Larissa Iapichino. The Italian jumper excelled in the long jump in Belgrade with a measure of 6.68, achieved on her first attempt, six centimeters better than she did in her season debut in Sabadell on January 27 (6.62). The 21-year-old from the Atletica Firenze Marathon, under the eyes of world champion Ivana Spanovic, ‘fan’ special in the stands (she won’t make the indoor season), precedes the’other Serbian Milica Gardasevic (6.53) and Hungary’s Diana Lesti (6.50). Not è the ès the only outstanding result in the Italian key of the Silver leg of the World Indoor Tour. Also Veronica Besana (Fiamme Gialle) stood out, who in the 60 hurdles retouched by five hundredths the best Italian U23 performance, in her possession since last year but co-habited with Giulia Guarriello: the 8.05 from Belgrade brings her closer to the World Indoor Championships in Glasgow, now only three hundredths away as far as the entry standard (8.02) is concerned. Second place behind Hungary’s Greta Kerekes (8.02).
Lifelong friends, who grew up together in national teams and youth meets, for Larissa and Veronica è another day of emotions to live side by side: “This competition gave me important cues on some small errors that do not allow me to express myself as I would like”, the comment of Iapichino, who jumped 6.68 in the first and then continued with two nulls, a 6.59, another null and a 6.49 final. “But the’important è analyze, take note of whatò needs to be improved and above all compete. In fact, I decided that I’ll be present this weekend at the Ancona Indoor Absolute, where I’ll go on the platform on Saturday to find the right feelings before the February 23 meeting in Berlin. And to then go to the World Championships in Glasgow so that I can play in the best possible conditions. With Veronica we have been great friends since we were cadets and to see her do this super result è it was a’thrill. I could not stop screaming, è she is the woman of the day”.
“Very happy with this race – the words of Besana, who is coached at Castelporziano by Veronica Borsi and went down last year to 12.90 in the 100hs – which è was very mental, because concentration è dropped a bit after three false starts, but I tried to stay focused as much as possible. I am in good shape, so I expected to do well but not so much, to be honest. Now I take home these great feelings and head to the Absolutes”