Gianmarco Pozzecco has a doubt about Marco Belinelli

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The words of Gianmarco Pozzecco

Gianmarco Pozzecco, the technical commissioner of’Italbasket, in the long interview granted to Corriere dello Sport also spoke about the possibility of summoning Marco Belinelli for the Pre-Olympic in San Juan de Puerto Rico: "He's a champion, far be it from me to question him for what he has done and is doing".

"With Marco I have a brotherly relationship, I played with him when he was little more than a child, I have known him literally my whole life, and he is someone I have to protect. I mean, the considerations that I have to make, I will è together with my guys and my staff. He and Gallinari have a visceral love for Italbasket, I am moved by how much they are in love with the national team. Then è it is normal that in life you have to give up something. Whether or not Belinelli will be summoned, as I have already said, it will always be my decision. And I still have not decided".

“The experience in Villeurbanne has changed me a lot: I have become even more convinced of the few but clear ideas I have about basketball. I am more aware of the direction I want to go in as a coach: to run a team I believe it is essential to have players who have certain characteristics and possess a certain ethic of the sport. I am the one who chooses my path, è indispensable for how I want to live basketball, in the knowledge that I have done what I think is right. On certain issues I don’t want to compromise".

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