Joe Hart hangs up the gloves.

Joe Hart announces retirement from football
Through a statement issued on Celtic’s official channels, the Scottish club announced that Joe Hart will hang up his gloves at the end of the season, thus ending his sports career at the age of 37. "Joe recently informed the club of his decision and wanted to meet with his close friend Jamie Edwards, with whom he worked for several years, to explain his decision to the fans. Everyone at Celtic would like to sincerely thank Joe for his fantastic and continued contribution to the club". this is the statement issued by the Scottish club.
"To all Celtic fans I want to promise that I will do my best to express what your fantastic club means to me and I will try to share how honored I am to have represented it for three years until the end. I will give; my best to ensure a successful end to this season with you. Thank you for your unwavering support" this an excerpt from the English fullback's message on his Instagram account.
The former City goalkeeper's decision to retire was also addressed by the Scottish club's coach Brendan Rodgers: "Joe has had a phenomenal career and I know he will be sorely missed when he retires from soccer in the summer. For everything he has done in soccer, Joe deserves enormous praise and congratulations, è he has been a really brilliant asset to Celtic, he has played at the highest level, nationally and internationally. But most of all, è he è an outstanding man, who è was just great to work with. &Eegrave; has been a great teammate to so many players during his career and a player who never gives anything but his best. Every day his work ethic è an example to all".
In his career Joe Hart has worn several prestigious jerseys including Manchester City, Torino, West Ham and Celtic, making 653 appearances. At club level, the English fullback can boast in his palmarés 1 English Cup, 2 Premier League, 2 English League Cups, 2 Scottish League Cups, 2 Scottish Premier Leagues and 1 Scottish Cup.