Paola Egonu and teammates fall under the blows of Ekaterina Antropova

Savino Del Bene Scandicci – Allianz Vero Volley Milan 3-0 (25-23; 25-22; 25-22)
In the first match of the A1 Tigotà Series Semifinal Playoff Series, Allianz Vero Volley Milan lost 3-0 (25-23, 25-22, 25-22) to Savino Del Bene Scandicci in Florence at the Wanny Palace. Despite attempting to react, Milan could not find the right breakthrough at critical moments, thanks to an often inaccurate attack (25 total errors) and difficulties in serving (13 errors against Scandicci’s 8).
Some changes in Allianz Vero Volley with the return of Orro assime to Egonu in the opposite setter role, Sylla and Cazaute confirmed setters, Heyrman and Folie central and Castillo free. Egonu scores the first point, but Scandicci accelerates, supported by Antropova’s services. Despite this, Milan responds with good team play, but Scandicci wins the first set. In the second, the struggle continues, with continuous reversals in the score, but Scandicci closes the set in its favor. In the third set, Scandicci starts strong, but Milan recovers, but in the end it is still the Tuscans who win the partial, closing the match 3-0.
Ekaterina Antropova of Scandicci è was the MVP with 19 points, while Paola Egonu of Milan è was the top scorer with 17 points. The next match, Game-2, è scheduled for Wednesday, April 10 at 8:30 p.m. at the Allianz Cloud in Milan, with the hosts seeking redemption.
"Today we missed a few things, we were conditioned above all by errors in some decisive moments – stressed Alessia Orro to the official channels of the Milanese club -. They, on the other hand, were able to stretch by finding the right sprint from mid-set onward, making it difficult for us to chase. It's also a bit lacking; the right attitude in some moments of the match. This defeat will serve us as a lesson, to work even harder in the gym to see a reaction in the match on Wednesday, where we will need all our hunger".