Daniele De Rossi: “We are looking forward to matching the Roma women’s team.”

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Daniele De Rossi: "We look forward to matching the Roma women"


These are the words of Roma coach Daniele De Rossi to the club&#39s official channels on the eve of tomorrow&#39s challenge at the Maradona against Napoli. "I left three months ago and if they had told me that we would be fifth four points behind Atalanta and six behind Lazio I would have put my signature on it knowing where we were starting from".

We have rekindled the Champions race and made it something possible – he added – There's the weight of the schedule and the teams we have behind us, but there's also the awareness of having done well against strong teams”.

“The Udine win helps, but it should not do it too much becauseé we did nothing. We took the three points we lost with Bologna, putting things back a bit but we should not feel relaxed. The goal to reach è still difficult if we look at the calendar".

Speaking about the management of the players he explained: "The biggest difficulty right now è that of having to face so many close matches with only a few days to prepare them against strong opponents. Sometimes fresh forces would be needed, but others are also in the same condition as us, so let’s not cry over ourselves".

Then De Rossi compliments the Roma women: “È our pride, there'è also a pinch of envy (laughs, ed.). All kidding aside, I talked to Betty Bavagnoli and Coach Spugna, we are proud of them. We can't wait to emulate them, to match them, to do something important” as well.

“They did very well, I am so happy for them. Women’s soccer is growing a lot. The younger players are of absolute value. I meet them from time to time and we talk about soccer, they are as sick of the sport as the men. È right that they have their recognition".

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