Milan-Juve: head-on clash for two market targets

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Milan-Juve: head-on clash for two market targets

Milan and Juventus are battling to become big again: the Rossoneri and Bianconeri are looking to strengthen their teams to close the gap that currently separates them from Inter, starting with the defense. According to rumors, the two clubs are ready to battle it out in the summer soccer market session for two targets for the backroom.

In fact, Juventus sporting director Giuntoli has his eyes on Wolfsburg’s Maxence Lacroix and Lille’s Tiago Santos, two players who have long been on the notebooks of Moncada, Ibrahimovic and the Rossoneri management.

A real battle will come for Lille right-back Tiago Santos, whom Milan has been following for months. The Rossoneri can take advantage of privileged relations with the French club (see the Maignan and Leao transactions) but the Bianconeri have strong ties with agent Jorge Mendes and are catching up fast.

Maxence Lacroix, whose contract expires in 2025 with Wolfsburg, è considered by the Bianconeri as plan B if the deal with Bologna for Riccardo Calafiori does not go through. The French player was in the Diavolo’s sights already in January and is worth 20 million euros.

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