Monza Power Run 2024: is confirmed as media partner

A bond that è increasingly solid
Also in 2024 will beà media partner of the Monza Power Run, the fun charity run that will be staged on July 20 and 21 between Villasanta and Monza Park, in Brianza. It will be organized by the Lele Forever Onlus association, established to remember Gabriele Brandazzi, a boy from Villasanta who died 25 years ago from a serious blood disease.
"I am particularly proud for this partnership that has ècemented more and more over the years. We are aware of the’importance of the media, and I take this opportunity to thank all the newspapers, both local and national, which have always shown great interest in the Monza Power Run" observes Margherita Ponticelli, Marketing, Social and Advertisingà MPR manager.
"For è a great honor to be media partner of this wonderful event. It makes us happy to be at the side of an’association, Lele Forever, which in over twenty years has donated well over a million euros to the fight against leukemia. On a personal level, then, I am proud of this partnership for the’friendship that bound me to Gabriele, a boy who was impossible not to love" adds Mauro Corno, Editor-in-chief of
All proceeds from the MPR will be used in the battle against leukemia: last year there were about 2,000 registrants.
CLICK HERE to find out about the MPR if you don’t know about it yet