Arrigo Sacchi pushes Atalanta toward Scudetto.

The words of Arrigo Sacchi
Arrigo Sacchi spoke to the Gazzetta dello Sport about the possibility of Atalanta winning the Scudetto: "I would be pleased, it would be a real revolution in soccer: you don't win with millions thrown out of the window, you triumph with ideas and work. And Atalanta has so many ideas and has been working hard for so many years. That is whyé I would rejoice for a championship won by Gasperini".
"Is this a viable road? I think so, because there is no such thing as impossible. In the past, Gigi Riva’s Cagliari and Bagnoli’s Verona succeeded. From the province to glory. Whyé should Atalanta not make it? Forò there must be the conditions foré this to happen. Strong motivation, great team spirit and dominating play. If there are these qualities, then we canò begin to reason".
"I would add that there’è a coach who è is a master like Gasperini, there’è an environment connected with the team, there’è a competent management", concluded the former national team coach.