Euro 2024, Abodi for national team talks about systemic crisis

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The words of Andrea Abodi

Andrea Abodi, Minister for Sport and Youth, spoke to the Foglio, about the situation of Italian soccer: "Federal President Gravina considered it sufficient, at this stage, to anticipate the date of the elections without an appropriate and desirable confrontation in the Federal Council. With due proportion, as did French President Macron".

"The Italian national team, for a long time, has been going through a systemic crisis. And in this crisis weighs also the fact that in the Italian Federcalcio there are balances that penalize the promotion of talent and competitivenessà. And è complicated that the Federation can think about the future of Italian soccer conditioned by partisan interests, those of individual components, without thinking about the interests of the system, with an organic vision that involves everyone, taking into account the capacity".

Closing remark on Spalletti: "The technical commissioner can" make an important contribution to explain why", according to him, we came home so" early and how we can" move forward, because" è it is evident that something that did not work not only from the point of view of choices, but also from the point of view of the harmony between coach, team, players".

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