Walter De Raffaele cuddles Biligha and the new Derthona

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The words of De Raffaele

The announcement of Paul Biligha at the beginning of the week completed the Bertram Derthona as it prepares to face the 2024/25 season both on the Italian court, in Serie A for the fourth consecutive year, and internationally, with the second adventure in the BCL regular season.

Commenting on the new look of the Lions è was coach Walter De Raffaele: "C’è a lot of satisfaction with the roster we have assembled. For this I must give great credit to President Marco Picchi and head scout Massimo Galli. In building the team we started with the’goal of keeping much of last year’s group, and we succeeded. On this occasion I also want to thank those who è been with us in 2023/24".

"Starting from this’idea, to maintain the group of both foreigners and, above all, Italian players, we made a choice a bit against the trend, trying to create a strong identity in the Italian core by inserting Denegri, a graft that also gives the idea of territoriality, and Biligha”.

"This team will undoubtedly be linked to the growth of the group and the players who will have to lead it. I am referring to Kuhse, Vital and Gorham himself, who are new and making their absolute debut in the Italian league. Their impact and growth during the season will be important for the growth of the entire group, which has the ambition of trying to be competitive. I also believe that it will be’significant to try to create team identity as soon as possible: in this sense the Italian players can give us a big hand".

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