Formula 1: Flavio Briatore decisive, Carlos Sainz at Alpine

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Italian consultant to French team immediately critical

The long soap opera related to Sainz&#39s future seems to have finally come to an end. The Spaniard, after being approached by so many teams, particularly Williams and Audi, seems to have chosen to accept Alpine's proposal, convinced by the guarantees put on the negotiating table by Briatore, consultant to the French stable.

Briatore himself, who recently arrived at Alpine, would have been decisive in the choice of the Spaniard who, barring last-minute unforeseen events, will thus become Gasly’s partner starting next season. Alpine has an important project and, with Briatore in the saddle, it now also has a talented and reliable driver duo to count on.

It is certainly not è the first time the Piedmontese manager has managed to pull off a major market coup. Think of the decision to bet on Schumacher at the time of Benetton or when Alonso è landed at Renault precisely on Briatore’s instructions.

With Sainz one step away from Alpine, the strategies of Williams change, which could go on the safe used, namely Bottas. To be figured out is the future of Ocon, who could also be put under contract by Haas, a stable that has just made official the signing of the very young outfielder, school of Ferrari, Bearman. In short, all the pieces of the puzzle are falling into place.

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