Paris 2024, here is the Italy of cycling

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Paris 2024, here is the Italy of cycling


Cycling is coming back to Paris. Lì where it all è began, because in 1900 came the first Italian gold medal in the points race with Enrico Brusoni. 124 years later, however, it will restart from the exploits of Tokyo 2020, where the Italy team was able to dye itself gold in the men's team pursuit, thanks to the quartet composed of Francesco Lamon, Simone Consonni, Jonathan Milan and Filippo Ganna, and bronze with Elia Viviani (omnium) and Elisa Longo Borghini (road race).

"But replicating Tokyo is not è easy, although it can be done", told the coach of the Italian men’s and women’s national track teams, Marco Villa, on the sidelines of the presentation of the Olympic and Paralympic teams that will leave for France. The convocations were announced in the Sala Giunta of Palazzo H in the presence also of the presidents of CONI and CIP, Giovanni Malagò and Luca Pancalli, as well as the No. 1 of Fci, Cordiano Dagnoni.

There will be 24 Azzurri (11 men and 13 women) for the Olympic trials in road, track, mountain bike and Bmx racing, while 12 will be the Paralympic colleagues. Standing out above them all are the names of Elia Viviani, Filippo Ganna, Elisa Longo Borghini, but also those of Letizia Paternoster and Elisa Balsamo, who has recovered from her recent accident.

"We will be present and competitive in all disciplines where we will participate – assured Dagnoni -. For us è the most important appointment of the year, and there's the awareness in facing such a commitment; having won important medals in the past. The hope è to fulfill the desire of Malagò and Pancalli, increasing the number of medals and being able to make an important contribution to the blue expedition. In the meantime, we are honored by our growth, recognized even outside Italy because other federations take us as a model".

A growth also witnessed by the partners that join Federciclismo, see in this regard the official today's agreement with Infront. "An epochal turning point capable of exploiting all the potential of our sport", concluded Dagnoni.

Here are the Azzurri for Paris 2024

MEN: Alberto Bettiol, Filippo Ganna
WOMEN: Elisa Longo Borghini

MEN: Simone Avondetto, Luca Braidot
WOMEN: Martina Berta, Chiara Teocchi

MEN: Pietro Bertagnoli

MEN: Alberto Bettiol, Luca Mozzato, Elia Viviani
WOMEN: Elisa Balsamo, Elena Cecchini, Elisa Longo Borghini, Silvia Persico

MEN: Simone Consonni, Filippo Ganna, Jonathan Milan, Manlio Moro, Francesco Lamon, Elia Viviani
WOMEN: Martina Alzini, Elisa Balsamo, Chiara Consonni, Martina Fidanza, Vittoria Guazzini, Letizia Paternoster, Sara Fiorin and Miriam Vece

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