Andres Blazquez unveils Genoa’s goal for Serie A 2024-2025

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Andres Blazquez speaks out about Genoa’s ambitions

During an interview given to the microphones of "Il Secolo XIX", Genoa CEO Andres Blazquez, after the quiet salvation achieved in the season that has just ended, spoke bluntly about the ambitions and goals of the Rossoblù ahead of the next Serie A championship.

"After the excellent salvation achieved this season, the goal remains to maintain the category, however, the ambition è to consolidate and try to fight to finish the championship in the left side of the standings" began the CEO of Genoa.

"We have received several appreciations for him, but at the moment no official offer has è arrived. In January we turned down 30 million euros from Fiorentina, not because it wasnè t a good offer, but because itè è came in the winter session and we needed Gudmundsson to try to fight for the top 10. Retaining him was crucial to try to achieve the goal" added the Rossobl&ugrave executive.

"We have no interest from Saudi Arabia regarding our players. There are many teams that have inquired about Albert, but there's nothing concrete at the moment. We listen carefully to all offers, but when we decide to sell a player è because we have an alternative to replace him in terms of quality, performance and behavior. We are happy that other clubs are noticing the work we are doing" Andres Blazquez commented.

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