Inter, Beppe Marotta holds on to Simone Inzaghi

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The words of Beppe Marotta

Beppe Marotta spoke on the occasion of the Stella d'Oro al merito sportivo (Gold Star for Sports Merit), presented to him during the Coni National Council. "Inter is not only aiming at the Scudetto. Our DNA requires us to always compete to win, history and palmares of the club teach us that. So, with all respect for our opponents, we will leave to get the maximum"

Inevitable question about Simone Inzaghi, who has not yet officially renewed his contract: "He started a cycle a few years ago. I think we have not even reached the halfway point. We have so much desire to continue together, because he deserves it. We are happy to work with him as Simone è happy to work with us".

Closing remark on the award: "&It is certainly a source of pride and I am honored, the Star è one of the most important awards in national and sports, the fact that my colleagues have decreed it makes me proud. It takes me back through the years and I think of my masters who are the presidents I worked with. I am very happy".

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