Genoa, Morten Thorsby sets target for next season

The words of Morten Thorsby
Morten Thorsby spoke at a press conference, setting his sights on next season: "I now feel that I am approaching my best time as a professional. I am 28 years old forò I think I still have so much ahead of me, I can still grow so much. I can still improve a lot".
The Rossoblù midfielder wants to affect more" in terms of scoring: "I see myself like this: I have to score goals and make assists. Last season I had several opportunities where I could have scored but I didn't. Moreù or less I would say six-seven goals".
"It's always been a characteristic of mine. When I was younger I was running maybe a little bit too much, I was a little bit out of rhythm compared to the team. Slowly I am learning to put the right energy into it. I can still improve but è an important aspect to be at the same pace as the team to bring out the best in me as well. I am working on that a lot" concluded Thorsby.
In his last season with the Grifone shirt, the Norwegian midfielder scored two goals and provided two assists in 27 total appearances between Serie A and Coppa Italia.