LeBron James U.S. flag bearer

The Words of LeBron James
LeBron James will be the U.S. flag bearer in the opening ceremony along the Seine River at the Paris 2024 Olympics. The&39;announcementè was made by Sarah Hirshland, top executive of the U.S. Olympic Committee.
"Being chosen by your teammates to carry the flag è an incredible honor and a tribute to LeBron’s passion for Team USA and his dedication to his sport" the words with which è it was made official.
"È an honor to represent the United States on this global stage, especially at a time that unites the world,” commented LeBron James, in the hunt for a third Olympic gold medal. “For an Akron boy like me, this responsibility means everything not only on a personal level, but for my family, for my entire city, for my teammates, for all the Olympic athletes and for all the people across the country with big dreams".
"Sports has the power to unite and I am proud to be part of such an important moment" in this way, concluded the Los Angeles Lakers star.