Milan says goodbye to a defender

Milan, farewell to a defender
AC Milan says goodbye to Jan-Carlo Simic. Through an official note, the Rossoneri club announced the sale of the Serbian defender: "AC Milan announces that it has permanently sold the sports performance of the player Jan-Carlo Simić to RSC Anderlecht. The Rossoneri club thanks Jan-Carlo and wishes him the best personal and professional satisfaction".
The class of 2005 said goodbye to the Diavolo with a long message on his Instagram profile: "My dear Milan, I am living a moment full of strong emotions. Saying goodbye is è never easy. È it has been a wonderful and unforgettable experience, with so many joys and also disappointments. A path that made me grow as a footballer and as a man".
"The certain thing è that I leave with a big smile becauseé I fulfilled the dream of making my debut and scoring in Serie A with the Rossoneri jersey – added the Serbian central -. I thank all the teammates, coaches and collaborators with whom I shared small and big moments".
"A thank you goes forò especially to the Milan fans, for’the affection shown to me and for always making me feel at home. All of you will always be in my heart. Thank you AC Milan, I will always be one of you" concluded Simic.