Turin, challenged again Urbano Cairo

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Torino, challenged again Urbano Cairo

New protests against Torino president Urbano Cairo. The granata patron è was targeted by organized supporters, who displayed a banner of dissent outside the Olimpico-Grande Torino stadium: "We’re not asking you for 50 million, but only to…get the f…ni".

Cairo a few days ago had made these statements: "Now we are not okay, we have made six loss-making budgets and these are things that weigh, but it is not è a fault not to have 50 million to put into Toro every year: it is not è something that someone can charge me, we need to find a sustainable path. And for us è a nursery that gives players for the first team, scouting that gives players with operations to find talent at affordable figures and they become important players".

Cairo highlighted what he considers to be good results in recent years: "In the last 12 years we have been in the left side eight times and in the last two years we have been fighting for Europe losing it even when the championship is over, like this year. It&#39s not such a bad path, but everything can be improved and we need to do better. But as far as I am concerned, the mistake I made in 2018/2019 è was to do something extra for our budgets that could not afford it".

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