Paris 2024 Olympics, Martinenghi and a gold from plain rice

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The words of Martinenghi's coach

“I did not sleep, but è it was a good night. Me the one who believed in it the most? I was really convinced, I had been feeling it for a month now, and so it’è was. The goose bumps I was feeling three days ago was an inkling of this result”.

This was stated by Marco Pedoja, coach of Nicolò Martinenghi, Italy&#39s first Olympic gold medalist, speaking today on “Giornale Radio Football Club” hosted by Lapo De Carlo on Giornale Radio FM.

“I have been following Martinenghi for 13 years, since 2012 we said to each other that the 2024 Olympics would be his, also because of a question of age – added Marco Pedoja –. With Adam Peaty there’è a healthy rivalry, è he has been a beacon of inspiration for world swimming. He always saw Nicolò as his heir, after the race he was delighted, we cried together for joy".

"Celebrations after the victory? No, we went back to the village around 1 a.m., had a white rice with chicken and went to sleep”.

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