Paris 2024 Olympics, Valentina Vezzali crushes female foilists

The words of Valentina Vezzali
Valentina Vezzali from the pages of Repubblica è went on the attack, not at the tip of the foil as she used to do on the podium but with some really decisive sabers, against her compatriots who missed the appointment with the podium: "It hurts, indeed it makes one reflect- And there were no Russians, missing the strong Inna Deriglazova. I respect all of them, but è a sacrilege. All right, fencing è changed, it è opened up, when I was a kid, thirty years ago, only Europe dominated, Germany, Italy, France, Romania, Hungary. Now it’s different, there’s globalization, you don’t have to underestimate any country, from Hong-Kong to Egypt. Trouble assuming that you belong to a winning tradition and that you put fear in. Forò it remains a’huge missed opportunity".
"Alice Volpi was coming from two world championships as a protagonist, at 32 years old it was her last chance to win a title, the young Marta Favaretto, world bronze medalist, had done very well so far, Arianna Errigo after motherhoodè è reborn, I saw her throw with a lightness she did not have before. But it also takes head and will. Me, when I started, in front I had the big ones, I was training with Giovanna Trillini, four years older than me, I would lose and come home furious. Babbo used to comfort me: you will see that one day you will put in one hit, and then another one’ll come. So’è it was, but I never gave up. And in London 2012 I won a bronze medal against Korea’s Nam, at’extra time and with a thrilling comeback".
And again: "I returned to the platform four months after the birth of Peter, a mom without her son. Alice like me had the team’s technical assistance, the thing that matters most. Of course, each è different, but I don’t think that is what influenced. I the U.S. Kiefer, gold in Paris, I beat her at the world championships in Catania in 2011, she was 17 years old and in the quarters I remounted the French Maitrejean from 5-11, I was down four hits with 30” to go. As for the’Errigo penalized by the Var, and never mind the curse of the flag-bearer, you have to try not to be in that situation, I once in Cuba was reprimanded by master Giulio Tomassini".