Milan, Mario Balotelli surprisingly resurfaces

The words of Mario Balotelli
Sunday in Milanello for Mario Balotelli who set foot again in the sports center that saw him as a Rossoneri player in two distinct periods: from 2012 to January 2013 and from 2013 until 2016. In total, he collected 77 appearances in official matches and scored an impressive 33 total goals.
SuperMario certainly did not è hide and posted a selfie with behind the giant bust with the red and black jersey that characterizes the Carnago sports center, commenting on it with a catchy phrase: "You always come home". In addition also two Rossoneri hearts.
For now, the reason for Balotelli’s surprise visit has not been revealed, but there are also those who put two and two together, considering the whole thing as a market clue, since the Rossoneri club is looking for another striker to act as a backup to Alvaro Morata.