Valentino Lazaro ready for anything for Torino

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The words of Valentino Lazaro

Valentino Lazaro gave a long interview to the microphones of 'La Gazzetta dello Sport' in which he touched on many topics, starting with new coach Paolo Vanoli: "He always talks a lot with us fifths, left or right. His vision of the role è significant. È important for me because é I can learn a lot from him, in so many details. I knew Vanoli already from Inter, he was on Conte’s staff, he brought his way of working here as well. And for my position è a great help".

"From the first day in Turin, the coach has made it clear that he wants to see more goals from the fifths – added the granata outfielder -. He says he had seen last year’s games and from us he demanded more. With his style of play we are more dangerous in the goal area, he asks me to enter the field more, I can provide assists and score. I am happy that in Metz it worked".

So he è said he is ready for anything for Toro: "I have played everywhere: right, left, front or back. I follow the’coach. On the right è a little bit’ easier to cross right away, on the left I have to go back. But I can do everything. If I were a coach I would put myself maybe on the right, but it’s okay to change"

"I love Italy and Torino. Didn’t have easy times after Inter, I played for good clubs, but it was always a loan. You can never really feel like home, welcome. This è my third year at Toro, I feel very good there and I think with this technical staff, with their seriousness, we can really take a step forward. Becauseé I want to return to Europe" concluded Lazaro.

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