Parma pounces on Gattuso’s player

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Parma swoops in on Gennaro Gattuso’s player

New market idea for Parma: according to Croatian website, the Croatian club has set its sights on a midfielder from Hajduk Split, Marko Capan, to reinforce its midfield. The class of 2004 è was promoted as a starter by Gennaro Gattuso in the first outings of the season and is being followed by Gialloblu scouts, who could soon submit an offer.

Parma è ready to put on the pot around one and a half million euros to convince the player, who is very good in the interdiction phase and able to compete for a place with a great player like Ivan Rakitic.

According to rumors, Parma will contact sporting director Nikola Kalinic, but will need perhaps a higher offer to convince the Croatians to do without the player.

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