Franco Morbidelli sends a message to Valentino Rossi

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Franco Morbidelli sends a message to Valentino Rossi

Franco Morbidelli è excited after signing with the VR46 team for next season: "What a great story, I am delighted with this signing with the VR46 Racing Team. For sure I will feel at home here, I have so much desire to do well and to repay, in good results, this trust both for myself and for those who work in the team. I want to return to rejoice with the whole group".

The rider from Rimini sent a message to Valentino Rossi and the whole VR46: "A heartfelt thank you to the whole VR46 Riders Academy and my management. Vale, Carlo, Uccio, Albi and Gianluca. Friends, but also key figures in the VR46 realityà VR46. I can not wait to start this new adventure together".

Morbidelli will runà alongside Fabio Di Giannantonio: he signed a one-year contract with an option for the second. He will work with Marco Bezzecchi's current chief technician, Matteo Flamigni.

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