Inter, Fabio Capello does not hide his concern

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Fabio Capello berates l'Inter

The league opener for Italian champions Inter ended in a mockery, as Genoa found the 2-2 goal right in the dying minutes, denying Simone Inzaghi’s side their first three points of the season. On the match played by the Nerazzurri, the former Real Madrid coach Fabio Capello expressed himself bluntly to the microphones of the "Gazzetta dello Sport".

"At the beginning of the season affect more than one factor, first and foremost the physical condition. Lautaro between Copa America and resuming training early, he è not practically stopped, Calha played a good European until the quarterfinals, so è normal that they are not yet at their best. If anything, the danger è another" began the former Milan coach.

"I would not like the three leaders, and consequently the rest of the players, to approach matches as they did in the final of last season, when the Scudetto was already in the bag. Against Genoa I saw a team that è overestimated itself and underestimated the opponents: it seemed that Inter players took the field convinced they would win the game easily" added the former Juventus coach.

"On Saturday I saw again only one player at the height of the Scudetto Inter, Thuram, and I must admit that this surprised me, given the underwhelming European Championship played by him. The other teammates, however, were quite far from the pace and aggressiveness of the team that dominated the season. We have to wait and see how long it will take this team to return to what it was last year. It's crucial that Lautaro, Barella and Calhanoglu get hungry again soon, as they're the three souls of the team" Fabio Capello&quoted.

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