Ducati does not give up Alvaro Bautista

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The words of Serafino Foti

The Team Principal of the'Aruba.it Racing – Ducati, Serafino Foti, spoke to the official Superbike website about Alvaro Bautista’s future: "During the Portimao weekend we didn’t talk since during the Round he prefers not to talk about it. We will continue to work on it and although it is not è done yet, we are close to trying to move forward together. Soon he will be able to say whether we are at 80% or 90% or 0% but I am really hopeful. We don’t have any plan B becauseé our goal è to move forward with him”.

Foti also spoke about the weight applied to the Spaniard’s bike: "Under this aspect this year we had some problems with Alvaro. È it was difficult to find the best set-up but from Most we found the best compromise. We shifted the weight in some areas and our engineers at home did a good job. In Most and Portimao è it was competitive. È fell but è it was the è and that è the most important thing for the future. Toprak è really strong as shown by the 13 wins in a row but we will never give up, as always, and of course we will continue to work for the future. Next year we will have the same bike but è it is also important to keep improving it. This è a really difficult year but in every race and every time we will continue to go for it".

“We keep working to try to improve; it’s not a’area but small things. The balance of the bike è very sensitive to weight for what concerns Alvaro. This è the problem. It è not easy because è stationary weight è one thing but dynamic weight è a completely different story, so at the moment this è the main problem. Until we go to the tracks we wonè t know if there will be a particularly difficult one for us: weè ll find out. In Most and Portimao had the same feeling".

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