Riccardo Moraschini has good feelings

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Riccardo Moraschini has good feelings

Riccardo Moraschini, with Como Province, took stock of the situation: he hopes to be back on the court in the second half of September, putting the bad injury behind him for good.

"I have always faced the situation with the utmost positivityà – said the Canturino -. When I was walking around with tutors and crutches and when I took them off. I carried out everything in a serene way. finishing the season in that soì unfortunate way, paradoxically, gave me a great determination and the desire to return as before. In fact, better than before".

"Brienza? I had talked to him right after he signed. He wanted to call me to find out how I was doing and to announce the centrality of my presence within the team. It is very good to hear that I am an important person in the group" added the former Olimpia Milano and Reyer Venezia among others.

"I really like the fact that the team has been built with clear and well-defined ideas" concluded Moraschini.

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