Serie A 2024-2025:Cagliari-Como, the likely lineups

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Series A, probable formations

Appointment Monday at 6:30 p.m. for the first of two postponed matches of the second day of Serie A, scheduled in Cagliari between the hosts and the newly promoted Como.

Nicola is expected to opt for a 3-5-2 with Luvumbo alongside Piccoli, while Fabregas will still bet on Belotti as Cutrone’s partner. Still unavailable in defense is the big purchase Varane.

CAGLIARI (3-5-2): Scuffet; Zappa, Luperto, Obert; Azzi, Deiola, Prati, Marin, Augello; Luvumbo, Piccoli. All. Nicola.

COMO (4-4-2): Reina; Iovine, Goldaniga, Barba, Moreno; Strefezza, Mazzitelli, Braunoder, Da Cunha; Cutrone, Belotti. All. Fabregas.

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