Wojciech Szczesny has surprisingly left soccer: the announcement

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Wojciech Szczesny has surprisingly left soccer: the'announcement

Wojciech Szczesny after saying goodbye to Juventus has decided to hang up his gloves: he will not continue his career at another club, because he has surprisingly decided to leave soccer at the age of 34. "I feel that now è it is time to devote all my attention to my family, my heart is not there'è any moreù ".

"I left Warsaw, my hometown, in June 2006 to join Arsenal with a dream: to live from soccer – è the è the incipit of his announcement on social -. Little did I know that it would be the beginning of a lifelong journey. Little did I know that I would play for the biggest clubs in the world and represent my country 84 times. Little did I know that I would not only live from soccer, but that soccer would become my whole life. I have not only fulfilled my dreams, I have gone where my imagination would not even dare to take me. I played at the highest level with the best players in history without ever feeling inferior. I have made friendships for life, created unforgettable memories and met people who have had an incredible impact on my life. Everything I have and everything I am I owe to the wonderful game of soccer…".

"But I also gave the game everything I had. I gave the game 18 years of my life, every day, without apology. Today, although my body still feels ready for challenges, my heart isn't there anymore. I feel that now è it is time to devote all my attention to my family, my amazing wife Marina and our two wonderful children Liam and Noelia".

"That is why I have decided to retire from professional soccer. The end of a journey è a time of reflection and gratitude. There are many people I should thank at this time, but I will try to do it personally with each of them. But to you, the fans, I owe special thanks for being with me on this journey. For the support and the criticism, for the love and the hate, for being the most beautiful and romantic part of soccer. Without you, none of this would make sense! Thank you! Now, every story has an end, but in life every end è a new beginning".

"Only time will tell what this new path will bring me. But if the last 18 years have taught me anything, è that nothing è impossible and, believe me, I will dreamò big!".

Wojciech Szczesny has defended the goals of Arsenal, Brentford, Roma and Juventus in his career: with the Bianconeri he won three Scudetti and three Italian Cups. In the national team he played a total of 84 games.

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