Mauro Fabris asks government for help doppo Italvolley gold

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The words of Mauro Fabris

Media attention remains high on the world of women’s volleyball, which grew exponentially until the exploit of coach Julio Velasco s Italy s gold medal at the Paris Olympic Games. A success that came thanks to the extraordinary champions forged by Serie A, “the most beautiful championship in the world” whose merits continue to be recognized starting with the top leadership of the same FIPAV, as reflected in the interviews released this morning, August 28, by President Giuseppe Manfredi (“È a painstaking job has been done for which I must also thank the Leagues”) in Corriere della Sera  and of Technical Director Marco Mencarelli (“Todayè the Serie A training players”) in Tuttosport. And a year ago Julio Velasco, to highlight the great growth of the pink movement, chose precisely the Italian A Series, in Busto, as Lorenzo Bernardi, in Novara, to move into women’s volleyball.

The comment of the President of the Women’s Volleyball League Serie A Mauro Fabris: “The awards for the work done in recent years, with the synergy of shared initiatives between FIPAV, the League and the Serie A Societies, fill us with’pride. The contribution that the top leagues, A1 and A2, have made to train the victorious champions in Paris è for all to see. In this moment of great enthusiasm for the’Olympic gold, which generates an’interest of Italians and the media in women’s volleyball never seen in the past, we expect that the efforts made in recent years by the Clubs and the League will therefore finally be supported also at the institutional”.

Continues Fabris: “To maintain the level of absolute excellence achieved by Serie A, which won with its Clubs all three European Cups last Season and where all the Azzurri play, è it is necessary, for example, to increase the endowment of the Fund for sports sponsorships. Fund that recently Minister Abodi, whom we thank, wanted to refinance albeit partially with the few resources available to his Ministry. Fund però to be made stable in the future. Serie A, its female athletes, coaches and staff who then also make up the major national team and all other youth national teams live only thanks to the corporate and financial efforts of private individuals, owners and sponsors. It is therefore necessary to make deductible the investments in sports, in this case the Women’s Volleyball A Series that now arouses so much interest, that companies are ready to make, thus relieving the state of burdens it cannot bear given the difficulties of public finance. And we need to revise the legislation on sports work that only provides for the categories of professionalism and amateurism. Our Società need time and different rules to structure themselves in the transition to professionalism”.

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