Trieste basketball completes long division

Francesco Candussi remains in Trieste
Pallacanestro Trieste announced on veenrdì day that it has completed its long division, confirming in the roster available to coach Jamion Christian the center Francesco Candussi, class of 1994, in biancorosso from 2013 to 2015 (then on loan from Reyer Venezia) and then from summer 2023.
"It's been a real pleasure to watch Candu's evolution as a player, teammate and leader,” said Pallacanestro Trieste general manager Michael Arcieri. It's rare to see players reinvent themselves even after years in their careers, but Francesco has made great progress in the last season, honing his skills and intensifying his approach to daily improvement, physical development and impact on both sides of the court, both from the perimeter and under the basket".
"He brings these important qualities to our roster, locker room and community,‖ added Arcieri. -He offers the team great versatility in the center role, championship experience and genuine leadership. He has impressed me as a true expert on the game, with great analytical skills, and he will be critical to our success as a team this season, as he has proven to be throughout his career. I am really excited to see his evolution continue and overjoyed to see it happen with the red and white colors".
Candussi will thus be part of Trieste’s roster for the second year in a row (fourth year overall): in 2022/2023 he contributed to the Julian club’s return to Serie A, after relegation the previous year, a promotion that came thanks to the success in the final of the A2 Series Gold Scoreboard, against Cantù.