Napoli, De Laurentiis stands with Conte: “Let’s change the rules.”

VAR debate continues after Conte’s outburst
Conte’s outburst in the Inter-Napoli post-match over the penalty awarded to Dumfries (without being reviewed by VAR) has generated a veritable tsunami. First the response of Rocchi, head of the referees delegation, with an invitation to take a step back, then the words of Inter president Marotta, who pointed out that the penalty was clear.
Now è it is the turn of Napoli patron De Laurentiis who, in a clear-cut manner, espouses his coach’s theory, calling for the current VAR regulations to be changed so that there are no suspicions or doubts (exactly what coach Conte has called for).
"Conte made explicit sacrosanct concepts, the same ones I have been advocating for years! È it is necessary to make sure that suspicions and doubts are not fuelled, and respect, as Rocchi stressed, must be mutual to avoid, as he said, that we set the championship on fire", the words of De Laurentiis published on the official website of the blue club.
There'è space also for a response towards Marotta: "I read from Los Angeles some statements of Marotta, in my opinion out of place. The penalty, according to the vast majority of observers, was not there. But above all, Conte’s words were clear and are exactly what I think and have always said: the Var è a great resource to avoid refereeing errors. It makes no sense to say that sometimes it can è intervene and sometimes not. If there’è a refereeing error the Var officials must call the match director. Otherwise, you stop the growth of soccer and you will fuel suspicion". A new installment coming soon?