Demis Cavina asks way to Varese

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Sunday night’s challenge between Cremona and Varese

They are two points alreadyà very important, despite it being only the tenth day of the championship, those that Vanoli Cremona and Openjobmetis Varese will go to contend at the PalaRadi, in the home of the biancoblù, Sunday at 8 p.m. Cremona occupies in fact the penultimate place with 2 points, Varese è a little moreù up at 4.

"If there’è one thing you can’t buy even at the summer market è experience – explained, during the presentation, coach biancoblù Demis Cavina -: many of our players are called for the first time this year to be leaders, to be protagonists in the first league, including even some foreign boys".

"At a time where maybe Trevor Lacey è unfortunately not physically at 100 percent, we have to try to have all of us more focus and determination,” he added, “to have precisely more coolness in the top moments of the game. This does not mean only in the last seconds, but also in the important moments, such as last Sunday in the third quarter, when we missed five free throws in a row and è it was the moment when they came back in a game where basically we were saying our".

" So this concentration and determination will obviously come with time, we must però try to bring home, as we are already saying for a while’, not only good performances but results becauseé our ranking absolutely needs it" then concluded Cavina, who against the biancorossi will tryà to end a series of five consecutive knockouts.

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