Luis Scola unveils the Varese of the future

The Words of Scola
Luis Scola to Corriere della Sera spoke about the long-term project of’Openjobmetis Varese: “It is inspired by sustainability. We are looking far ahead, we are doing careful work on the youth sector, we have united two souls, that of Robur et Fides active on the very young, while the people in charge of our sector work on boys aged 15 and up. Then there'è the Campus, the creature of the Bulgheroni family, which allows us to host and bring to life in a very important reality young people who come from all over the world. Our program includes constant growth, a work that addresses every aspect, the team, the society; the youth sector, the relationship with the fans”.
Scola also emphasized the ingredients needed to create a competitive team: “From talent you cannot escape, but there's more than just that. In the market we are looking for players who fit well with the game designed and set by the coach, Herman Mandole. Ambitious players who want to grow through hard work. I like a modern, fast-paced basketball that comes from work, team spirit, so a defense, high, dynamic that can then produce varied and dangerous attacks”.
The’current Openjobmetis, on the other hand, what can’guarantee? “That growth I talked about. We have Italian players, some born here in Varese, who can be important not only for our reality, but for all of Italian basketball. Soì foreign players must also be happy to play in this group and improve through work. We intend to create a real backbone between team, technical staff and society”.