Sofia Goggia doesn’t forget but remains cautious

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The words of Sofia Goggia

Sofia Goggia spoke after the first round of downhill at the World Championships, which ended in fifth place at 0''79 from Lara Gut Behrami: "Last year at the finals I was not there and I had followed the race on TV".

"I had a good reconnaissance on a very rough track, with a lot of waves and it is notè easy to move the best on such a terrain;: I think I did a good test, I went a little bit’ long in the third sector but as first impressions we are there. After the first impression I feel the track quite mine".

"The World Cup awards medals but basically the snow does not know it and the race è like the others. To be honest I have no special expectations, after last year’s injury I never had a chance to imagine what these World Championships would be like and I want to experience them day by day".

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