Olimpia Milano, Zach LeDay and the relationship with Ettore Messina

The class of 1994 è in his second experience in Milan
LeDay è one of Olimpia Milano's leaders. The long 1994 class is having a stellar season. A leader on the court and also off the court. In his second experience in the red and white (he had worn the Olimpia jersey in the 2020/21 season), LeDay è has grown enormously and, now, è a reference point for all.
"I believe in the team becauseé I believe in the leaders we have here. Nikola, me, Shavon. I believe that we will be able to find a solution and keep working. This è the’goal. This è the ultimate goal. &Eegrave; this is why we play", his words to Eurohoops, speaking about the Final Four goal of Euroleague.
Also interesting is the passage in which he dwells on his relationship with Coach Messina: "I have a very good relationship with Ettore Messina. Growing up in East Dallas, I could easily communicate with all my coaches. I talked and sometimes joked with them. Even with the more serious ones".
Unforgettable memory of the first experience in Milan: "The first time I was here I was young. I was 26 years old. I was with Kyle Hines, Chacho Rodriguez. Gigi Datome, all these legendary names. Big names. There was also Vladimir Micov, Malcolm Delaney and Kevin Punter. I was just a young guy. I was one of the youngest players on the team, me and Shavon Shields. When you è young, you don’t have a say in a lot of things. You just have to go with the flow. I used to come every day and follow everybody’s routines. I used to watch Kyle Hines. I was looking at the greatness. How they came, how they presented themselves, how they prepared the body and mind".