Jannik Sinner becomes a song

Jannik Sinner becomes a song
Jannik Sinner also enters the world of music: rapper Myss Keta has dedicated a song to him on her new album, ".", released last Jan. 17. 'Sinner' è is the title of one of the two bonus tracks in which there is no shortage of tennis references from 'Roland Garros, comes the tremendous a bagel and a piada, I am legend' to 'Champion of evening landings at Wimbledon, I bring my balls'.
"The name could not go unnoticed in my eyes: è the name of a champion, and in Italian it canò be translated as "peccatore" – explains Myss Keta to the microphones of Gazzetta dello Sport -. This dualityà immediately struck me and I wanted to explore it further. In rap there's then this desire to win, like in tennis. It è seemed to me a new thing to use the tennis metaphor to deal with a lyric that talks about M¥SS as a champion of rhymes and evenings on a song that bounces around in the head like a ball does on a tennis court".
So he identified the elements in common with the Highlander: "Being champions and not living one's role in a conformist, conformist way. Just like Jannik, who è is unique in living his role as the number one tennis player in the world, M¥SS è is also unique in the Italian music scene and in living and moving within this scene".
Myss Keta is looking forward to following the blue at the Internazionali d'Italia, when she can return from disqualification: "I am so ready, I am already preparing the look together with some designer friends of mine".