A former Golden State Warriors for Estra Pistoia

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Official: Eric Paschall è a new player from Estra Pistoia

Estra Pistoia places an important incoming blow. The Tuscan club, in fact, has announced that it has reached an agreement for the arrival in Italy of the former Golden State Warriors and Utah Jazz Eric Paschall, who has a high-level NBA and university career behind him and is ready to showcase his great technical qualities in Europe.

After already showing excellent things in his three years at Dobbs Ferry High School, he transferred in 2013/14 to St. Thomas More School to finish his own path that launches him towards college. In the Ncaa he starts with the Fordham Rams in 2014/15 ending his rookie year with 27 games played at 31’ and 15.9 points average per contest with 42% from 2. With these numbers comes the transfer to an even more prestigious college such as Villanova where he remains there for three years, becoming one of the pillars of the team finding more and more minutes (è went from 22’ of the first year to 36’ of the last) showing great physical skills and grasping the goal of winning the NCAA championship in 2018.

This high-level college path led him to be chosen at the 2019 NBA Draft with the 41° pick overall by the Golden State Warriors. And his first season in San Francisco, alongside talents such as Curry, Thompson, Green and many others, è to be framed even if interrupted in March by the stop of the championships due to Covid: he plays 60 matches with an average of 14 points, 4.6 rebounds and 2.1 assists appearing in the quintet of the best rookies of the entire Nba season.

The following season, still in a Warriors jersey, he produced 9.5 points on average in 40 outings and, at the end of that Nba championship, he decided to make a change of scenery by espousing the cause of the Utah Jazz: he took the court on 62 occasions between regular season and playoffs with 5.8 points as a result of 49% from 2 and 37% from 3. His last adventure è was in Puerto Rico with the Leones de Ponce where he produced 13.4 points in 29’ of average usage adding three assists.

"I decided to come to Europe to revive my career and start playing again. I am excited to join this team and I especially appreciate President Ron Rowan for giving me this opportunity. I expect this team to win and for me, as a player, to help my teammates grow as a group and bring home some W’s. I think this season will be fun and will become even more so if we can achieve major success. To the fans of Pistoia I can simply say that they will see a player who plays hard, who every day goes on the court to win and make exciting plays" these are the first words of Eric Paschall to the official channels of the club.

"We are very happy that a player of Eric’s caliber is coming to Pistoia. He played, and won, on a major Ncaa championship team like Villanova and then with the Golden State Warriors where he è was named to the first team of the ’year of all rookies in that Nba season, later ranking sixth as “Rookie of the year”. We expect Eric to be a very important player for our team heading into next season" this was the welcome message from President Ron Rowan.

"I can only be happy to know that Eric Paschall will beà with us. We are talking about an Ncaa champion with Villanova and è he was a member of the top rookie team in his Nba debut year. We look forward to seeing him at’work so that he can help us achieve what are our goals"these, finally, the statements of the head coach of Pistoia Dante Calabria.

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